
Era feliz y me compre un Toyota RAV-4 hibrido

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Era feliz y me compre un Toyota RAV-4 hibrido
Era feliz y me compre un Toyota RAV-4 hibrido

Era feliz y me compre un Toyota RAV-4 hibrido

 Pues ese es mi problema, despues de sufrir un intento de robo me daba una alerta de error en el sistema de alumbrado y el faro derecho estaba desconectado. Desde principios de Septiembre esta el coche en el concesionario y despues de probar todo lo imaginable siguen sin poder repararlo y se niegan a darme un coche de sustitucion. Ahora me ofrecen uno con el 50 por ciento de descuento.
Es increible, pero Toyota ha fabricado un coche que al que no puede diagnosticar en caso de error y los mecanicos solo pueden cambiar piezas, algunas no estan disponiles y tardan semanas en llegar, y yo esperando que alguna solucione el problema.  Esto es un poco decepcionante, yo esperaba mas de una empresa como toyota.
El departamento de atencion al cliente de  Madrid se escuda repitiendo una y otra vez que no es una averia, que es un fallo causado por un intento de robo, que esto no esta cubierto por la garantia, por eso no me dejan un coche y del mio no pueden  darme una estimacion de cuando estara reparado. Ya voy para tres meses sin coche.



[email protected]

Dear Sir or Madam,
I have taken the determination to send this letter to you because the official dealer “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO ” in Valencia (Spain) not providing the right attention to an issue with my recently purchased Toyota. Let me explain the issue and status; then I will also propose a way forward for your review. In any case I would kindly ask you to have a meeting to discuss an agreement.
I will put the case forward in chronological order for clarity:
• I purchased a Toyota RAV4 with license plate XXXXXX on 02/10/20 from “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” official Toyota dealer. 
• On 23 August 2022 there was a theft attempt on the car resulting in damages to a front light and car body. The car was fully insured and was taken to a mechanic shop to repair the car body first.
• On 12 September 2022 the car body was repaired, and the car was taken to “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” official Toyota dealer to repair the front light. After a mechanical review it was determined that an electronic module was also faulty and needed replacement. The replacement would not be available until 13 December 2023, so a substitution car was assigned to me at this point.
• On 03/11/22, before the anticipated date, the replacement electronic module was available, and put in replacement of the faulty one. Unfortunately, this did not fix the front light. At this point the substitution vehicle was taken away from me because substitution vehicles are only provided when de repair is on hold waiting for a replacement component.
• Today, two months have gone by, and: 
o I have no diagnostic of what the root cause behind the issue with the front light. 
o I have no estimate of when nor how this will be repaired.
o I have no substitution vehicle either. 
o “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” does not provide me with any solution other than to wait undefinedly until they find out how to fix the light.
As you will understand, this is not reasonable, and we should therefore agree on how move forward to unblock this situation. I propose the following steps:
• Restore my substitution vehicle. I understand that this can be a challenging fix, but the consequences should not be pushed to the customer. I hope you agree on this one.
• Request “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” a clear fix strategy and timeline. If they are unable to provide this information, it is simply because they are unable to solve this issue. 
• Meeting between us to determine alternative solution if “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” confirms to be unable to find a solution.
I would highly appreciate your involvement in finding a solution to this issue. As you can see, I have to resort to you because the dealer “TOYOTA SAKURAUTO” is not taking the necessary accountability to unblock this situation.
Kind Regards,
Ángel Morales 
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