
Ampliación de capital de RWE - 06/12/2011

1 respuesta
Ampliación de capital de RWE - 06/12/2011
Ampliación de capital de RWE - 06/12/2011

Ampliación de capital de RWE - 06/12/2011

RWE has specified the offer price for the accelerated bookbuilding of shares from the capital measure decided upon yesterday and the subscription price at € 26.

All 80.4 million shares offered were placed with institutional investors by way of an accelerated bookbuilding procedure. 52.3 million new shares were assigned firm under exclusion of the subscription rights. A further 28.1 million company shares were allocated to the institutional investors subject to claw-back if subscription rights are exercised by existing shareholders.

As a result of the capital measure, RWE will receive gross issuing proceeds of some €2.1 billion. This makes the transaction one of the largest capital increases by a European industrial enterprise in recent years. In spite of a difficult market environment, RWE has been able to complete the announced capital measure this year.

The issuing is an important part of the package of measures that RWE is implementing to strengthen its capital base and create leeway for future growth. Dr. Juergen Grossmann, CEO of RWE AG: “The positive response to the capital increase is proof of the trust the markets place in our company and confirms that our strategy meets with acceptance. Overall, we are setting the right course with our package of measures.”

Delivery to investors of the new shares is expected to take place on 8 December 2011. The treasury shares purchased in the subscription offer and placed subject to potential claw-back are expected to be delivered on 23 December 2011.

A los accionistas se les ha hecho entrega el 08/12/2011 de 1 derecho por acción. La fecha límite para reclamar ("claw-back") el derecho de suscripción es el 18/12/2011 y, previo pago de los 26 €/acción, la entrega de las nuevas acciones será efectiva el 23/12/2011.

Obviamente con la cotización a cierre de hoy (27,94 €/acción) interesa acudir a la ampliación, ya que le sacamos a la operación 1,94 €/acción (27,94 - 26,00).

El lunes confirmaré esta información con mi broker. Un saludo.


Re: Ampliación de capital de RWE - 06/12/2011

Hoy ya no interesa tanto, al paso que vamos podremos comprarlas más baratas a mercado.

Por cierto los de Bancaja se han lucido ya que HOY me ha llegado la carta de la ampliación, obviamente ya no he podido ejercer los derechos, menos mal que la cotización no ha subido que sino me los como a todos.


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