Ampliación de spread (spread widening)
Hola traders,
os quería preguntar:
- La ampliación de spread, tiene que tener un motivo: alta volatilidad, falta de liquidez al final del viernes a las 23 h. por ejemplo, en el cierre de USA.
- Puede ampliarse tanto, como en el par GBPUSD, del valor normal de 21, a 199 (una relación de 199/21 = 9,43) , el 9 de Septiembre, sin que tampoco hubiera habido un tsunami como en el Brexit?
En definitiva, ¿pueden hacer los brokers lo que les dé la gana con este aumento de spread?. Muchos dicen que sí, pero yo no lo creo..
If it is only the benchmark which is manipulated, the argument went, then some clients will lose and some will win.
But if it is the spread on trades which is pushed wider, then clients on both sides of the trade lose, and the bank, sitting in the middle, wins.
Furthermore, when the benchmark was pushed up or down depending on the banks’ preferences that day, it could easily be that a client’s losses from manipulation on one day are wiped out by them gaining from the manipulation on the next day.
By contrast, if the spread has been artificially widened, then the bank wins every time, and the client loses out on each occasion.
Banks are expected to fight hard against the claims, and one key area of argument will be around the damages suffered.
Por favor, abstenerse amigos y empleados de brokers, de opinar.