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Pufo de Archegos

4 respuestas
Pufo de Archegos
Pufo de Archegos

Pufo de Archegos

Hola a todos,
La verdad es que llevo 2 semanas con pérdidas en mis fondos y pensaba que era la corrección que se venía anticipando desde hace meses, pero me temo que podría ser el inicio de algo más grande. Parece que a al Hedge Fund Archegos le han pillado con el carrito del helado, arrastrando a pérdidas importantes en bancos como Creddit Suisse o Nomura, y tirando para abajo de acciones de empresas importes. Por lo que leo, tenía mucho apalancamiento a corto y no ha podido responder por sus pérdidas.
Es posible que sea la primera ficha del dominó de la crisis del 2021?

Re: Pufo de Archegos

Gracias Miguel, muy interesante.

Me parece que la avaricia de los bancos no tiene límite. Cómo es posible que los principales bancos de inversión del mundo le den barra libre a alguien que ya había cometido una infracción? 
Espero que no se escape de rositas y que no salpique a nadie más. Los mercados, a toro pasado, siempre buscan excusas para justificar correcciones, espero que la corrección de las últimas 2 semanas no vaya a más.

Un poco más de información esotérica de este genio estafador:



Re: Pufo de Archegos

Los bancos de inversión suelen mirar el dinero, no de donde viene. En este caso financian a alguien que les está pagando bien, asumen sus riesgos y si se equivocan pierden. Es su trabajo como bancos de inversión y lo llevan haciendo toda la vida. Ellos se intentan asegurar la operación y en ello les va su negocio. 

Un cordial saludo

Credit Suisse reconoce 4,4 billones en pérdidas

Comunicado de Credit Suisse

While our financial results are still subject to detailed finalization and review, we would expect to report a pre-tax loss for 1Q 2021 of approximately CHF 900 million. This includes a charge of CHF 4.4 billion in respect of the failure by a US-based hedge fund to meet its margin commitments as we announced on March 29, 2021. This will negate the very strong performance that had otherwise been achieved by our investment banking businesses and the increase in the year-on-year profits in all three of our wealth management businesses, as well as in asset management, with particular strength in our Asia Pacific division. Net new assets were positive during the quarter across our three wealth management businesses as well as in asset management and in the Swiss corporate and institutional business. 

In terms of our capital position, while this is also still subject to our usual end-period finalization and review processes, we would currently expect the 1Q 2021 CET1 ratio to be at least 12%. With regard to leverage, we expect our 1Q 2021 Tier 1 leverage ratio to be at least 5.4% and our 1Q 2021 CET1 leverage ratio to be at least 3.7%. Following the completion of share buybacks in 1Q 2021, we have suspended the share buyback program and we do not intend to resume share purchases before we have regained our target capital ratios and restored our dividend. As of the end of 1Q21, our liquidity position remains strong with HQLA balances expected to exceed USD 200 billion and the Group liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) expected to exceed 200%.

With regard to the four supply chain finance funds, where we continue to see cash inflows, we will distribute a separate update on further repayments within the next few days.

We acknowledge that both the US hedge fund and the supply chain finance fund matters require substantial further review and scrutiny. The Board of Directors has launched investigations into both of these matters which will not only focus on the direct issues arising from each of them, but also reflect on the broader consequences and lessons learned. We have also undertaken senior management changes within the Investment Bank division and within the Risk and Compliance organization as separately announced today. 

Thomas Gottstein, CEO of Credit Suisse Group said: "The significant loss in our Prime Services business relating to the failure of a US-based hedge fund is unacceptable. In combination with the recent issues around the supply chain finance funds, I recognize that these cases have caused significant concern amongst all our stakeholders. Together with the Board of Directors, we are fully committed to addressing these situations. Serious lessons will be learned. Credit Suisse remains a formidable institution with a rich history."