
Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

26 respuestas
Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism
Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism
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Re: Entre juanes anda el juego.

Pues verás, yo no estoy aquí para buscar que me haga caso el personal. Si ése fuera mi deseo, hace tiempo que no participaría en este foro. Por lo demás, soy yo quien decide mis divertimentos, no necesito recomendaciones al respecto.

En cuanto a juanmart, cuando lo considero oportuno expongo mi opinión contraria a la suya, aunque tú no te hayas enterado según veo. Cuestión diferente es que no me guste colgar largos soliloquios como hace él y algún copy-paste porque no me parece adecuado para un foro. Yo soy partidario de que lo "bueno si breve dos veces bueno".

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Bueno, igual que tú expresas tu opinión libremente y yo también, supongo que eso es lo que hace juanmart. Hasta ahí, si no hay dudas al respecto, estamos de acuerdo.

Por lo demás, coincido contigo en que el franquismo fue una dictadura, siempre que se añada el calificativo que mejor la define: "dictadura asesina".

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

How the violence and repression of the Franco dictatorship have affected the Spanish society to this day? Do the people who lived traumas repressed for Franco still latent in subsequent generations? Does the lack of grief caused by the silence and concealment of those motivated by fear of speaking and the absence of justice transactional facts generated psychopathology in the children and grandchildren of the victims? These and other issues are the writer Clara Valverde poses in his new book: Unearthing the words. Generational transmission of the political violence of the twentieth century in the Spanish State (Icaria, 2014).

The conclusions reached by the author is clear: The harmful effects of trauma generated during the Civil War and the subsequent repression of the dictatorship interfere with future generations, creating effects such as the need for enemies, the polarization of society, victimhood, vengeance and fear to denounce the power. "The generation of the grandchildren have a very specific role in the generational transmission. Are more likely to suffer disorders, is the most impacted in the subconscious generation, "Valverde said during the presentation and discussion on the work that took place last Tuesday at the Casal de Barri Pou de la Figuera, in Barcelona.

The talk was attended specialized in psychogenealogy and collaborator in the work, analyst Elena Alvarez Giron; Chilean neuropsychiatrist Jorge Barudy, founder and current director of EXIL Belgium and Spain; and anti-corruption lawyer and former prosecutor Carlos Jimenez Villarejo. "Silence, fear, sorrow suffered in Spain from July 1936 involve a difficulty of later generations to assume," said Jimenez Villarejo. Mainly, he stressed, the absence of a Commission of Truth "as a way to know the reality of violence imposed and the degree of violation of human rights occurred." "Many countries have played a key role, and have generated a degree of reconciliation," said the former prosecutor.

For example, in Canada, where the author lived closely commissions of truth and reconciliation promoted to treat the historical trauma of colonization among indigenous communities, which took some of the darkest episodes in the physical and sexual abuse on children. "To me they impressed me very much, truth commissions went from village to village, people had all the time necessary to talk. I saw I had a huge effect on the indigenous community. When I came to Spain, I thought there would be many people working in the generational trauma, but much less, " Valverde said

The writer and nurse has to base the whole theory developed internationally. "In any country has it investigated the issue, and Armenia, Cyprus ... Not here, and it is worrying," he said. The duel that froze when relatives were killed, and they had to hide in the privacy of the home or in the depths of each, not closed, it caused the trauma remain dormant.
A disgrace "product of bad luck"

"In this infernal spiral that causes abuse and torture essential-characteristics of the Franco regime with humiliation and physical and psychological annihilation of the" enemy "- and in which the victim ends up feeling guilty, the father ends up being killed responsible for the family disgrace, "he says in the prologue of the documentary work Montse Armengou, author of numerous works on Franco's dictatorship and repression. "I found people who believe-except for those who had a family or social environment politicized the misfortune that befell them was the result of bad luck or chance," explains Armengou.

"We are talking about an unresolved trauma of an entire society," said the neuropsychiatrist Jorge Barudy, also a victim of the Pinochet repression in Chile. "This book is a mini-treaty on psycho-traumatology, I have delighted reading a lot. On a personal level, I was in direct contact with the traumatization of an entire society, although in terms of quantity and quality, what happened in Spain is infinitely greater than what happened in my country. In Chile there were 8,000 missing, we are talking of over 100,000. "

"When society does everything possible not to recognize trauma, has all the numbers to continue traumatized forever, can only overcome if society allows," Barudy said. "She -the author- concludes that the past is not past. I think is more present than ever. If n, or it would be unimaginable that in late 2013 has been the expert group on disappearances in Spain and the UN special rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-repetition "argued Jiménez Villarejo. "The views of the committee in 2013 were just three countries: Nepal, Syria and Spain," he added.

"The big question I exfiscal- She held me is how we live and how they live the families of the victims where thousands remain missing, but no research has been driven beyond those carried out by entities civil society and individuals, very exceptional ". "Imposing this kind of disappearance, silence, belittling, is the worst thing that can happen to a society" concluded Barudy.



Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Buenas, Juanmart.
Estemos o no de acuerdo en las distintos opiniones, resulta muchísimo más provechoso para el diálogo y el intercambio de ideas, adjuntar la fuente del artículo u opinión.
También resulta útil leer un poco de inglés de vez en cuando para aumentar el nivel medio de manejo del idioma de Shakespeare; y también me parece maravilloso aprender catalán.
Como ves ha resultado muy sencillo colocar el enlace del artículo y se puede poner perfectamente "font" o o "fuente". Te has ganado un "me gusta".

Saludos con enlace de opinión ya sea en catalán o inglés.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Le has dado un me gusta como si le dieras un azucarillo a un perro......
Sigo atentamente el hilo.
No se de que se adonde en que idioma va a terminar....
La incertidumbre me tiene es ascuas.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Buenos, Karlsbad.
You're bad, you're so bad.
It´s an strange discusión, with a pinch de politica, some drops de independence, a piece de idiomas, a sweet snack para el gos d'atura català... Schizophrenia comes to me and clouded my mind y me se a estropiciao la tapa del delco mental y lla no se si la halteración de mi konduzta y hel lenjuague pódrian xer hojeto de tratamiento por hel chikiatra.

Ten cuidado con las ascuas, que con el calor que hace a ver si se va a convertir en "EL CALORET" y te veo chapurreando una extraña mezcolanza de spanish, inglés, euskera, catalá, galego y una miajina de andalusí.

Cierto es que hay quien no tiene muy claro de donde viene ni a donde va, que navega "entre dos aguas" (inigualable tema a la guitarra del maestro Paco de Lucía), o que camina y hace caminar a los demás intencionadamente "entre dos tierras" (vamos a dejar en este hilo tan heterogéneo la letra de este genial tema de la mejor época de héroes del silencio, pues viene al pelo para la bipolaridad que vive mucha gente, fruto de los hipnóticos cantos de sirena de políticos interesados y codiciosos..., como todos):

"Te puedes vender,
cualquier oferta es buena
si quieres poder..
qué fácil es
abrir tanto la boca para opinar,
y si te piensas echar atrás
tienes muchas huellas que borrar.
déjame, que yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer,
si yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer.
Pierdes la fe,
cualquier esperanza es vana
y no sé qué creer;
pero olvídame, que nadie te ha llamado
ya estás otra vez.
déjame, que yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer,
si yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer...
Entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar
entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar
Déjalo ya,
no seas membrillo y permite pasar,
y si no piensas echar atrás
tienes mucho barro que tragar.
déjame, que yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer,
si yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer...
Entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar,
entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar
Déjame, que yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer,
si yo no tengo la culpa de verte caer...
Entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar,
entre dos tierras estás
y no dejas aire que respirar"

Saludos caninos en esperanto, inciertos, bipolares y sin destino.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

¡¡lo sabia joder,lo sabia¡¡
Sabia que el hilo iba de la tapa del delco.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Now I 'm going to delight with great guitar theme titled "Between to waters"; it is clear that Mr Mas and political independence are true artists navigate between two waters and best known Galician politician is also a master hiding whether coming or going.

You can also interpret the Spanish and global political and economic situation as a bridge over troubled waters.

At this time we concluded the musical minutes; t.hank you all for enjoying music and relax your mind

Saludos between two waters.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Just two waters? What a damage!

El silencio es hermoso cuando no es impuesto.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

La vichyssoise es una sopa tradicional que se sirve fría y que por lo general lleva nata, cebolla puerro y patatas. En esta receta aprenderás a realizar una sopa de una forma diferente, ligera y sin nata, perfecta para consumir a la hora de la cena. Apunta los ingredientes y sigue el paso a paso de la vichyssoise vegana.

Sigue leyendo:

para que no digais que no pongo la font. Si la quereis en ingles, copiar y pegar y al ingles español, español-ingles traducir intro.


Re: Victims of the dictatorship against Franco terrorism

Pues viene a cuento con el hilo. Con Franco algunos solo comían sopas.
Incluso a mi de pequeño mis padres...supongo que por costumbre, me inflaron a sopas de pan y cebolla. Con una yema de huevo dentro te quitaba el hambre.

Pd: que bajo has caído...y yo que te tenia en un altar. Mira que hay platos españoles para sacar pecho y nos traes una receta gabacha; -)

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