Los efectos de la bajada al 3,75% se verán en la proxima subasta semanal que prestará dinero a una semana el 15 de octubre.
La bajada de medio punto se notará inmediatamente en las Facilidades Permanentes de Crédito y Depósito que dan los bancos centrales europeos a sus bancos en operaciones a un dia (overnight).
Esta es la nota de prensa oficial del BCE:
8 October 2008 - Monetary policy decisions
Throughout the current financial crisis, central banks have engaged in continuous close consultation and have cooperated in unprecedented joint actions such as the provision of liquidity to reduce strains in financial markets.
Inflationary pressures have started to moderate in a number of countries, partly reflecting a marked decline in energy and other commodity prices. Inflation expectations are diminishing and remain anchored to price stability. The recent intensification of the financial crisis has augmented the downside risks to growth and thus has diminished further the upside risks to price stability.
Some easing of global monetary conditions is therefore warranted. Accordingly, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Federal Reserve, Sveriges Riksbank and the Swiss National Bank are today announcing reductions in policy interest rates. The Bank of Japan expresses its strong support of these policy actions.
The Governing Council of the ECB, by means of teleconferencing, has taken the following monetary policy decisions:
- The minimum bid rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be reduced by 50 basis points to 3.75 %, with effect from the main refinancing operation to be settled on 15 October 2008.
- The interest rate on the marginal lending facility will be reduced by 50 basis points to 4.75 %, with immediate effect.
- The interest rate on the deposit facility will be reduced by 50 basis points to 2.75 %, with immediate effect.