
¿Entramos en Samsung Electronics?

59 respuestas
¿Entramos en Samsung Electronics?
¿Entramos en Samsung Electronics?
5 / 5

Re: Samsung Electronics cuadruplica beneficios en el primer trimestre y gana 4.472 millones de euros

 Samsung Electronics reported a net profit of 10.95 trillion won (8.21 billion euros) for Q2 2022, a 13.7% increase from the same period in 2021. The company's sales reached a record 77.2 trillion won (57.91 billion euros), up 21.2% year-over-year, with operating profit rising 12.2% to 14.10 trillion won (10.58 billion euros). The strong US dollar boosted the components business, adding an operating gain of about 1.3 trillion won (980 million euros) compared to the previous quarter. 
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